Defie's cohesive creative processes are designed to be current with the latest techlonogies and rising customer expectation:
CRM - effectively and efficiently manage Customers' data in response to opportunities, sales, services inquiries for strong, successful customer relationships.
Quotes centralize current demands and historical data for accurate business forecasting. With this visibility, supply chain management can execute successful sales and achieve on-time delivery.
Sales Order process streamlines crucial information to prevent errors, reduce processing time, and simplify workflow. This process optimizes order fulfillments consistently.
Inventory Management enforces a clear and effective data collection method from all related processes. Real-time inventory are summarized for your critical business decisions.
Supply Chain Management leverages cost analysis, product logistics, and real-time data to simplify the Purchase Order processes and optimize procurement.
Accounting consistent work flow ensures that checks and balances are enforced throughout all corresponding procedures: shipping & invoicing, goods receipt, AR, and AP - in minimal time.
Receiving and Shipping Management administrates quality control compliance. Products received and shipped can be conveniently tracked with 2D serial number scanning reports.

Sales Management
Quotation - Forecast
Sales Orders
Files and Documents Management

Supply Chain Management
Suppliers Management
Purchase Orders
Goods Receipts
Supplier Invoice Approval
Files and Documents Management

Receiving Management
2D Code Serial Numbers
Conforming Process
Receiving Report
Files and Documents Management

Accounts Receivable
Cash Receipts
Accounts Payable
General Ledger
Financial Statement
Files and Documents Management

Inventory Management
Products Profile - Life Cycle
Inventory Managerment
Real Time Data Transactions
Files and Documents Management

Shipping Management
Commercial Invoice and Packing List
Serial Number Record (QR Code)
Shipping Report
Files and Documents Management

Defie's consistent and efficient processes, easy-to-use principle will help you to get the job done quickly, effectively.
Defie's Engineering, Manufacturing, and Production is designed to appropriately, seamlessly interlace all processes from Bill of Materials, Build Orders to Work Orders. This smart structure provides consistent operations and real-time data for each step in the build procedure: raw materials inventory, unique serial number identification, work-in-progress, and finished goods. The data are recorded in builds reports for post-production analysis.
Defie's Customer RMA and Vendor RMA Management provides a practical procedure to mitigate risks.
Customer RMAs are categorized to report RMA trends for product quality improvements. Vendor RMAs management ensures to undertake the key steps including: return or replace eligible materials, physical goods description, defects reporting, and credit issuance.
Admin - Users Management - Settings
Admin role manages the organization's main functions: update company profile, add users' profiles, enable authentication and distribute user permissions,
Administrators also configure and define settings with appropriate options related to each process, enforce security, and upgrade licenses.

Build of Materials
Enginerring Process & Procedures
Engineering Change Order
Files and Documents Management

Build Order
Component Management
Manufacturing Procedures
Files and Documents Management

Work Order
Quality Production Management
Real Time Production Status
Inventory - Real time Manufacturing Data
Files and Documents Management

Customer Return Services
Customer RMA Management
Product Quality Analysis Report
RMA Reports
Files and Documents Management

Vendor Return Services
Vendor RMA Management
Product Quality Analysis Report
RMA Reports
Files and Documents Management

User Credential and Permission
Options Settings
Profile Settings
Licensing Management
Files and Documents Management